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Zenamu Platform Privacy Policy

Glossary of Terms

The glossary for GDPR is the same as that in the General terms and conditions. We have added the terms Controller and Processor, which are specific to GDPR.

Controller vs. Processor

Within Zenamu, Service Providers, which are usually yoga studios or individual teachers, can manage their clients.

We distinguish between the operator of the Zenamu Platform when acting as a data controller (user or studio profile) and when it acts as a data processor (storing data on servers for the Service Provider).

Fyooga s.r.o. acts as a data controller when you are logged in as a User to the application, and the application requires this to function correctly. This includes email, first and last name, cookies, and user preferences agreed by you.

Fyooga s.r.o. acts as a data processor when you are a Service Provider within the Zenamu Platform. Remember, in this case, you legally become the data controller of your customers' personal data.

The Processing Agreement governs the protection of the User's personal data provided to Service Providers.

1. Personal Data Controller

1.1 The Operator of the Zenamu Platform is the Data Controller, also referred to as the "Controller", for its users. The Controller informs you about the processing of your personal data and your rights under Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, Act No. 110/2019 Coll., on the processing of personal data.

1.2 We respect and follow data protection standards when processing personal data, and we adhere to the following principles:

  • Personal data is processed only for clearly and comprehensibly stated purposes
  • Personal data is processed using the means and methods specified
  • Personal data is processed only for as long as strictly necessary

1.3 We collect users' personal data to the extent necessary and do not share it with third parties, except those directly involved in the necessary processing within the application.

1.4 Zenamu is responsible for its employees and subcontractors who come into contact with personal data in the performance of their authorized duties. They are obliged to maintain the confidentiality of personal data and security measures in accordance with the GDPR.

1.5 Users have the right to be informed about the extent to which and for what purpose their personal data is processed, who will process the data and how, and to whom the data may be disclosed.

2. Subject of Personal Data Processing

2.1 Data

The personal data processed by the Zenamu application includes:

  • User profile information
  • name, surname
  • email address
  • phone*
  • bank contact*
  • profile photo*
  • Service provider information
  • name, surname*
  • email address
  • Company ID*, VAT ID*
  • residence / registered office*
  • website
  • bank account number
  • phone
  • Technical data
  • cookies
  • IP address
  • other analytical metrics, including information about application crashes and logs of user account activity
  • Other data
  • correspondence via email, chat, in-app, and voluntary responses to Provider's surveys.

*Optional data is only collected if available or if you are filling in for a legal entity.

2.2 Cookies

We use cookies to ensure the proper functioning of our website and measure its performance. Cookies are small data files stored on your device, which can remember text data for a specified time period.

Our cookies are categorized into:

  • Technical cookies - enable the proper functioning of our website, such as preparing the display of pages, remembering your preferred language, and securing your login.
  • Analytical cookies - collect anonymized data about website usage for development purposes.
  • Marketing cookies - send data about your website usage to advertising platforms to target you with advertising or build audiences.

For a comprehensive list of all cookies, visit the cookie bar in the Platform footer, where you can grant, remove, or configure your consent to their use.

2.3 Data Operations

The Controller performs the following data processing operations on the User's personal data:

  • Automated storage on the Controller's servers.
  • Organizing, structuring, retrieving, ranking, or combining for analytical and statistical evaluation and improvement of the Platform (system metrics).

3. Purposes of the processing of personal data:

3.1. Error-free operation of the application

This includes mainly cookies necessary for the error-free operation of the application and email, which is required to log in to the application.

3.2. Performance of the contract between the Service Provider

This includes conclusion of the contract, communication with the Service Provider, issuing and recording of tax documents.

3.3. Information purposes

This includes informative email and telephone communications related to the operation of the Platform, such as notifications of expiration of credits and entries, subscription expiration, information about changes to the terms and conditions, information about system upgrades, as well as other information about emergencies not related to marketing communications.

3.5. Technical and analytical purposes

This includes cookies, IP address, and other online technical identifiers, as well as traffic information used for analytical processing in order to improve the Platform itself.

3.6 Sending marketing communications

Users who have given their explicit consent to receive marketing communications on the App are sent marketing content, such as newsletters. You can opt-out of receiving marketing communications directly in the app or by sending a request to support@zenamu.com.

4. Recipients of personal data (subcontractors of the controller)

4.1 The User acknowledges that the Zenamu Platform is operated on servers located in a hosting center, and that the processing of personal data involves companies registered at the web address of subcontractors.

4.2 The Controller is entitled, even without the User's prior consent, to involve another supplier of hosting, cloud, or other services as a so-called additional processor in the processing of personal data or to replace the existing companies with another supplier.

In such cases, the User will be informed of this change on the relevant website or, for Users who are themselves Service Providers under a Processing Agreement, also by email.

5. Time and Location of Data Processing

5.1 Location of Processing

Personal data is primarily processed within the European Union Member States.

5.2 Data Retention Period

Personal data is processed indefinitely until the User or the Zenamu Platform Operator cancels the user account, terminating the contractual relationship.

6. User's Rights

6.1 Right of Access

Each Application User has the right to access their personal data.

6.2 Right to Edit

A Platform User has the right to edit their personal data. This can be done through the Platform or by submitting a request to support@zenamu.com.

6.3 Right to Erasure

Every User has the right to request the erasure of all personal data. This can be done by sending a request to support@zenamu.com.

The Administrator is obligated to delete all User records obtained during the use of the Platform without undue delay.

7. Final provisions

7.1 All legal relationships related to the processing of personal data are governed by the laws of the Czech Republic, regardless of where the data was accessed.

The Czech courts have the authority to resolve any disputes related to the protection of privacy between the User and the Administrator.

7.2 Users who provide their personal data for the purpose of concluding a contract with the Administrator or provide consent to the processing of personal data do so voluntarily, on their behalf, and the Administrator does not control their activities in any way.

7.3 The Personal Data Processing Policy may be amended or supplemented by the Controller, and the current version will always be available on the Platform, which every User has easy access to.

If the User continues to use the Application after the new version of the General terms and conditions comes into force, by actively using the Application, the User grants consent to the processing of personal data according to the updated version.

7.4 The User may withdraw their consent at any time by sending a request to the email address support@zenamu.com.

7.5 These Terms and Conditions and the information on the processing of personal data shall take effect from March 1st, 2023.