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Common course settings

How do the course vacancies work?

When your course does not fill to capacity the remaining places will be offered in a similar mode as open classes. Thanks to this mechanism you can fill up your classes even if your course is not completely full.

However, someone who only wants to come to one class of the course will not block other clients from buying the whole course (which is not possible if one of the class has already full capacity), you can set this mechanism to take effect either after the start or, optionally, some time before the individual classes.

You can set this in the section: Settings > Class Booking > Booking Individual Course Sessions

Course vacancies settings

Don't you want to allow people to register on separate sessions in courses?

This can be set for each individual course. Simply uncheck all the pricing options that allow you to purchase a single term. How to delete the option to sign up for available seats in a course

How to set cancellation conditions for cancelling reservations in courses?

See the separate page: How to set up storno and make-up session for courses. It also describes how make-up sessions work from the client's perspective.

Custom extensions to the booking forms for courses

You can display up to 3 custom questions before registering for a course, which you can set up in Settings > Class Booking > Custom Booking Form Extensions > Additional Questions for Course Enrollment.

Setting up custom questions for booking onto courses

Setting up questions is common for all courses

TIP: If you want to have different questions for different courses, or have more than 3, We recommend using, for example, the free tool Google Forms and putting a link to it in the course description.