Automated Email Notifications in Zenamu
Zenamu helps streamline your communication by automatically sending out various emails to both you and your yogis. These emails include booking confirmations, notifications of new bundle orders (like entry passes and credit packs), schedule changes, and class cancellations.
Emails to Yogis
Orders and Payments
Welcoming a New Yogi
This email welcomes clients who book a class, course, or workshop for the first time. It’s also sent when you manually add a new client in the system.
Booking Confirmation
Immediately after a client books a class, course, or workshop, they receive an email with details such as date, time, location, teacher, and payment method. It also includes a link to manage the booking.
Payment Confirmation
Sent when the teacher records a client’s booking as paid.
Waitlist Notification
If a spot opens up in a class, a yogi on the waitlist is automatically registered and notified via this email.
Available Spots Notification
Clients interested in a class will receive this email when spots become available.
Online Class Access Information
Participants who have confirmed their payment receive this email an hour before an online class starts. It includes access details like the link to the live stream (e.g., Zoom, YouTube) and other relevant information. Updates to the link or details also trigger this email.
Changes in Teacher or Location
This email informs all participants of any changes in the teacher or location of a class.
Cancellation of Bookings
Cancellation of a Class, Course, or Workshop
If a class, course, or workshop is canceled, all participants are notified via this email. The content can be customized.
Teacher-Initiated Cancellation
When a teacher cancels a client’s booking (e.g., due to non-payment or a late cancellation request), this email is sent.
Client-Initiated Cancellation
Clients receive this email when they cancel a booking.
Approaching Expiry Date
Two weeks before an entry pass or credit pack expires, clients receive an email alerting them to the upcoming expiry and renewal options.
Expiry Notification
When entry passes or credits expire, clients get an email detailing the expired status and purchase options.
Bundle Addition Confirmation
This email confirms the addition of entry passes or credits to a client’s account. This can occur manually in system administration, especially for physical purchases made at the studio.
Order Confirmation and Payment
After creating a bundle order, clients receive an email confirmation. Once payment is processed and confirmed, another email is sent to the client.
Emails to Studio Administrators and Teachers
For Studio Administrators
Administrators can configure the following email notifications in the Notifications section of system settings:
New Booking Notification
Sent when a new booking for a class, course, or workshop is made.
New Bundle Order Notification
Notifies administrators of new orders for entry passes or credit packs.
Cancellation Notification
Administrators receive this email when a class booking is canceled.
For All Teachers
New Teacher Notification
When a new teacher is added in system settings, they receive this email. If they don’t already have a Zenamu account, the email includes a link to set up a password and access class management features.
Reminder to Add Online Class Information
If an online class lacks a live stream link (e.g., Zoom, YouTube) an hour before it begins, the assigned teacher receives this reminder email.