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Entry Passes

  • Entry Pass acts as a bundle of prepaid classes (e.g., 10 entries).
  • While entries can be used to pay for courses and workshops, they are predominantly used for individual classes.
  • When clients book a class, 1 entry is deducted from their account.

Advantages of entry pass​

Simple for you and your clients
  • Payments are made in advance.
  • Tickets are automatically deducted after booking.
  • Automatic registration from waiting list.

1) Clients can purchase entry pass in advance​

They can then utilize these when booking without the need to find a credit card or transfer money to a bank account and wait for the transfer between banks.

2) You get the money in advance in your account​

Every booking is automatically prepaid.

3) The limited validity of entries motivates clients to use them.​

4) Automatic registration from waiting list​

  • The number of entries is reserved.
  • If a spot in the class does not open up, the entries are automatically returned to the client's account.
  • Set up in Settings > Class booking. settings nebale waitlist

5) Transparent and fair cancellation fees​

  • Tickets are immediately credited back to the client's account.
  • Unlike credit card transactions, there are no fees for refunding (see also How Zenamu prevents unnecessary fees from cancelled bookings?).
  • Contrary to bank transfers, everything is automatic, so there's no need to manually shift money between bank accounts.

6) Marketing support​

  • You can provide discounted packages, e.g., offer 11 entries for the price of ten. In this arrangement, clients receive 1 free class as a gift.

Setting up Entry Pass​

How to Set Up Entry Pass?​

  1. Navigate to Settings > Bundles > Add.

Entry system settings - Zenamu reservation system

  1. Provide the necessary details:
  • Type: entry pass
  • Number of entries
  • Price
  • Description/Name
  • Validity period from the date of purchase

Adding entries to administration - Zenamu booking system

  1. Once set up, you can view it on your public schedule under the Bundles section.

Credits and Passes - Schedule

How Do Cancellation Policies Work for Tickets?​

When a booking is cancelled in advance, the entries are credited back to the client's Zenamu account, and they can use them for future bookings. This system bypasses the hassle of refunding money to a bank account or incurring fees from payment gateways for completed transactions (see more on Stripe payment gateway fees).

If you've established custom cancellation conditions, the usual refund percentages don't apply to entries. Cancellations will always result in a 100% refund, allowing the full entry to be returned to the client's account. Such refunds can only be processed by you, which can be useful if a typically dependable client contacts you with a genuine reason for their absence, such as sudden illness.

How to Accept Payments Only in the Form of Tickets?​

  • Navigate to Settings > Bundles > Payments for classes.

Payments for classes only entries

If you're now creating a new class, course, or workshop, the only payment options available will be entries (or credits - if you also have them available).

How Can Your Clients Purchase Tickets?​

  1. Cashless payment directly through the system.
  2. Cash payment in person.

Cashless Payment​

To enable your clients to purchase entry pass directly through the booking system (in the Bundles section), you need to activate at least one of the electronic payment methods in your settings: credit card payment or bank transfer.

Instructions on how to set this up can be found in the Set up Card Payments or Bank Transfer Payment Settings guides.

Clients Must Have a User Account in the Booking System

To buy and use entries, clients must have a user account in the booking system. Without this, the system cannot manage, display balances, or refund entries for booking cancellations.

Managing Client Tickets​

You can oversee entries in the client details section.

Here, you can either assign an existing bundle to the client or manually add entries (inputting any number of entries).

Client profile - inputs

Tickets can also be deducted from clients' accounts.

However, transparency is key. Clients should always know when and why their entries have been deducted. For instance, if a client relocates and no longer uses the entries they purchased, you might decide to refund the value in cash.

When a Client Attends a Class Without Booking

Sometimes, a client might attend a class without making a reservation.

For both the client and the teacher, the simplest solution is to manually create a booking for that class. Select "entry" as the payment method during this process, and the entry will be automatically deducted from the client's account.

You can manually add a client to a class from your schedule by selecting "Add Participant."

Payment from studio entries

How Does Credit Expiration Work?​

When the entry's validity period expires, the entries aren't removed from clients' accounts but are simply deactivated. Consequently, clients can no longer use these entries.

If a client purchases new entry pass, any remaining unused entries from the previous period get added to the new entry count. This motivates clients to use their entries rather than leaving them unused, and ensures they don't feel as though they've lost money when purchasing more.